The Licensee training course is a requirement for most licensees, approved managers, and club secretaries in NSW, as you have greater responsibilities under the NSW liquor laws. The training prepares you to meet the challenges of running a licensed business while fostering a vibrant and safe hospitality environment.
This course covers various topics designed to support you:
➤ Overview of liquor regulation in NSW
➤ Managing your liquor licence
➤ Your responsibilities to manage alcohol related harms
➤ Best practice strategies to prevent alcohol related harms
➤ Compliance and enforcement.
Qualified interstate workers
Interstate workers with an appropriate RSA qualification looking to become licensees, approved managers or club secretaries in NSW, or simply wishing to upskill, can skip the NSW RSA Bridging course and simply complete Licensee Training to gain both their NSW RSA and Licensee Training competencies.
Appropriate interstate RSA qualifications include:
➤ a national RSA statement of attainment or RSA refresher certificate from Victoria, the Northern Territory, or the Australian Capital Territory, issued within the last three years, or
➤ a national RSA statement of attainment from South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, or Tasmania, issued within the last five years.
Successfully completing this course will also result in the automatic renewal of your Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) endorsement on your recognised competency card.
Licensee Training NSW
The Licensee Training course prepares you to meet the challenges of running a licensed business while promoting a vibrant and safe hospitality environment.
This course covers various key topics designed to support you:
Session 1: Overview of liquor regulation in NSW
Session 2: Managing your liquor licence
Session 3: Your responsibilities to manage alcohol-related harms
Session 4: Best practice strategies to prevent alcohol-related harms
Session 5: Compliance and enforcement
Assessment involves a variety of formats and criteria:
1. Participants must independently answer all questions in their own words.
2. Evaluation is based on a Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory outcome, with feedback provided.
3. Tasks are completed to demonstrate knowledge to trainers and assessors.
Evidence gathering includes several techniques:
➤ Knowledge assessment involving multiple-choice and written responses.
➤ Live assessment conducted online—a 15-minute discussion with a trainer.
✩ Multiple choice questions presented after each module.
✩ Written response questions: Apply what you have learned by answering questions in your own words.
✩ Live Assessment: Students must respond to trainer questions in a 15-minute session.
The assessment process ensures that you acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully complete the NSW Licensee Training.
Job Trainer Australia assessors provide consistent feedback through email, direct conversations, and various support channels like Live Chat and website enquiries to assist your learning journey and enhance your success in the course. This feedback mechanism is designed to optimise your learning outcomes..
Before enrolling, each student must complete an online short Pre-Enrolment Review or LLND test to assess course suitability, evaluating skills in existing knowledge, language, literacy, numeracy, and digital proficiency.
L&GNSW requires students to complete the Licensee Training assessments in English without an interpreter. This is based on the minimum LLND skills required for the prerequisite RSA and reflects the higher level of responsibility that licensees hold to ensure they possess the English language skills necessary to understand and comply with complex legislation regarding their liquor licence.
Upon successfully completing assessments, your work will be evaluated within a standard timeframe of two business days.
➤ An interim certificate will be issued to students upon successful completion.
➤ Students must then visit Service NSW with their Interim Certificate and Identification to update their Competency Card.
➤ A new Competency Card will be sent to the provided address and is valid for five years.
➤ Successful completion of this course automatically renews students’ NSW RSA for another five years.
Qualified interstate workers
Interstate workers with an appropriate RSA qualification looking to become licensees, approved managers or club secretaries in NSW, or simply wishing to upskill, can skip the NSW RSA Bridging course and simply complete Licensee Training to gain both their NSW RSA and Licensee Training competencies.
Appropriate interstate RSA qualifications include:
➤ a national RSA statement of attainment or RSA refresher certificate from Victoria, the Northern Territory, or the Australian Capital Territory, issued within the last three years, or
➤ a national RSA statement of attainment from South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, or Tasmania, issued within the last five years.